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// November 2018

Month: November 2018

Discovering UNESCO’s Creative Cities: Italy has 9

21/11/2018Category : Art
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Around the globe there are cities where creativity is driving social, urban and economic development. Indeed, music, art, literature, design and many other creative areas can all make an active contribution to a city's growth. Yet just where is all this creativity taking place? Well, the UNESCO UCCN (UNESCO Creative Cities Network) lists no less than 180 cities in 72 different countries. Established in 2004, the network is designed to promote cooperation between cities tha..

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Is bamboo the plant that can revolutionize architecture?

Perhaps not everybody is aware of the amazing properties of bamboo, which has always been used as a construction material in Asia, and which, in recent years, has been highly appreciated by European architects and designers too. We generally consider bamboo an ornamental plant or associate it with parquet flooring but its hardness is comparable to that of steel. Indeed, it is called "green steel" by no mere chance. It can carry two-fold the weight compression borne by cement,..

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How Instagram is changing design

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Photographing and posting on your instagram profile the pictures of the food served at the restaurant is still a well-spread trend so much so that in most cases you prefer a nice dish to photograph taking into the background factors such as flavor or quantity. Elena Marinoni talked about it during Next, the trend talk, about how aesthetic perfection is now sought after in every activity: entire neighborhoods, facades of buildings, squares and tourist spots are subjected to co..

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