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//Salone and Fuorisalone 2022: design and innovation “between space and time”

Salone and Fuorisalone 2022: design and innovation “between space and time”

07/06/2022Category : Events

From 7 to 12 June the highly anticipated international event dedicated to design returns to Milan, which in its sixtieth edition presents itself this year as an opportunity to talk about all the greener shades of innovation and to reflect on issues of importance. global.

Made in Italy with an eye to the future

Milan is a city that lives and moves with an eye always pointed towards the future, the pole that constantly pulls the excellence of Made in Italy towards new shores, this year with tripled energy, given the stop in previous years: the first quarter of 2022 marks a + 24.5% in sales, of which + 27.2% registered within the domestic market (data source: Corriere della Sera). The Salone del Mobile, which will take place as usual at Fieramilano, and the Fuorisalone, which will involve the city in a more widespread way, are therefore the right pretext to bring the discourse on design and innovation back to Italian and physical land. .

Salone del mobile 2022: experimentation and contamination.

The Salone del Mobile is certainly an opportunity to exhibit, but it is also and above all the right place and time to experiment, contaminate and let oneself be contaminated. Sixty editions of the Salone del Mobile have led this event to become the hub of design at an international level for planners, architects, fitters, designers, stylists and many other professionals. The reason is simple: at the Salone del Mobile it is trends, intuitions and innovations that are the masters.

Fuorisalone 2022: between space and time.

Parallel to the Salone del Mobile, the usual Fuorisalone also comes to life, which this year will have as its theme “between space and time”, two variables that design must remember to take into consideration in order to plan a concrete and feasible change starting from a vision of conscious and sustainable reality. Just like in 2019, among the most visited locations to admire installations, events and exhibitions, this year too we point out the Brera District which after two years of stop will amaze with 168 events, 314 companies involved and 108 permanent showrooms, as well as countless temporary exhibitions. The 5VIE district is also worth keeping an eye on, animated by installations by established designers, companies and design galleries. This year the Tortona district will also amaze, where you will find the best proposals of Asian design, as well as other small design gems that we do not want to anticipate. Lastly, but certainly not for the quality of the proposals, the Isola area will also be able to involve the many visitors, with more than 250 designers and international design studios scattered around the district in 40 points of interest.

The future to come

Between one traditional installation and another, there will be references to collectibles and unique pieces, to represent that future that is now in full swing when it comes to the metaverse and NFT. We will also enter, for the first time during the Fuorisalone, a hybrid technological universe that thins the boundary between the virtual world and the real world to an all-time low, with a district spread over dozens of parts of the city, to be experienced through smartphones and tablets. , to overcome the idea of space and time that seemed so firm and defined until recently. In short: the goal is to realize the future, the road is sustainable innovation, and it seems that everyone is ready to do their part as active subjects of a change that can pass through design and planning, to create an experience of sharing and growth for the sector involved and for our planet.

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